Forbidden Foods for Pets:
What You Should Never Give Them

Some foods we consume daily can be dangerous for our pets and seriously affect their health. It is important to know which ones we should avoid to prevent poisoning or digestive problems. Among the most dangerous is chocolate, which contains theobromine, a toxic substance for dogs and cats that can cause vomiting, tachycardia and seizures. We should also avoid onion and garlic, as they damage red blood cells and can cause anemia, even in small quantities. Grapes and raisins are highly toxic and can cause kidney failure, while cooked bones, especially chicken bones, can splinter and cause perforations in the digestive tract.

Other foods such as avocado, which contains persin, can be dangerous for some species, as can products with artificial sweeteners such as xylitol, which can cause liver failure and dangerous drops in blood sugar. In addition, dairy products can cause digestive problems in pets with lactose intolerance, and coffee or alcohol can affect the nervous system, causing severe symptoms of intoxication.

To keep our pets healthy and safe, it is essential to offer them a balanced and appropriate diet for their species, avoiding sharing our food without first consulting a veterinarian. If you ever suspect that your pet has ingested a dangerous food, seek veterinary attention immediately to avoid major complications.